
Family Crest


On August 31, 1999, the 4th anniversary of our first Family Reunion was celebrated at the home of Professor Max and Jean Richards (4th generation), on the campus of the Univers ity of the West Indies, Trinidad. To mark this auspicious occasion, John Martin (4th generation), officially 'unveiled' the Family Crest to the members and friends of the Martin Family Clan ON BEHALF OF ITS DESIGNER Lawrence Walrond (5th).

The Crest was designed by Lawrence Walrond (5th generation) of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Unfortunately he was not able to be present at the reunion.

The Crest comprises 10 symbols which are as follows:

1. The yellow 5 pointed Star represents the Chinese ancestry of John (Chow) Martin. This star is also found on the Chinese flag. On a different level of symbolism the 5 pointed star or pentacle as it is called, has for centuries been the symbol of the perfection of harmony between the human body and the mind.

2. The Prow of a wooden boat is superimposed in the center of this star to symbolize the vocation of John(Chow)Martin. He was the proud owner of a small fleet of fishing boats. The prow of the boat is superimposed on a bright blue background which represents the sky.

3. The white Diagonal Cross on a bright blue background is the Scottish Saltaire or Cross of St. Andrew. Here it symbolizes the Scottish ancestry of John Chow's wife, Margaret Augustus.

4. The Open Book superimposed on the St. Andrew's Cross represents the dissemination of knowledge. It is used on crests to symbolize learning and learning institutions. Margaret Augustus was a teacher.

5. The Two Crosses, one superimposed on the other, symbolize the Christian union of John Chow Martin and Margaret Augustus. The Crosses also remind us that Margaret was the daughter of Christian Missionaries.

The above symbols are placed on a bright red background, which color represents the blood of our founding parents. This is, in part, our legacy.

6. The (5) Five Stars in the first chevron represent the 5 children of the founders of our family.

They are are Issa, John Jr., King Horn, Matilda and Agnes. The golden color of the background of this chevron represents the respect we place on this, the first line of descendants.

7. The (2) Two Palm Trees on the green background represent the two-island nation of Trinidad & Tobago, the homeland of the Martin Family.

8. The Globe, superimposed on a blue background, symbolizes the global family that we have become. The 4 repeated colors of the segments of the globe represent the multi-national, multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-talented nature of the families which now make up our one global clan.

9. The words on the banner are taken from our Mission Statement that has been established for us.

10. The Red background of the banner again serves to remind us of the blood bond that exists between us.

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